On Letting Go

It is a constant battle when we’re experiencing difficulty to not hold on to what is comforting, familiar. We must at times realize that we must let go of the fear due to past failures and change our lens.

If we can't change the past, why do we continue to live it? Past mistakes, failures do not determine the success of our future. We give them the power or weaken their hold on us based on our outlook. It is a choice.

Letting go of the negative outlook of our past is easier said than done. What are some of the tools that can be used today to positively impact your tomorrow?

  1. Take a long hard look at Y O U- What is your view on advancement, success, achievement? It is not something out of reach. We have the glorious capacity to become anything we want to be and do anything we desire. We just have to see it and look forward.

  2. Prioritizing the importance of the past- The past only has a place as a lesson to be learned and filed away. It should never have the power to undermine our confidence and self-esteem.

  3. Asking for help - This is easier said than done. In order to find real success, if there is an internal struggle to overcome the past, there is no shame in asking for help. It can be family member, mentor or good friend.

Ultimately, the past is behind us. If we are looking behind we cannot see what’s ahead, the true value of looking ahead is to see not what you are but, what and who you will become. It is a choice.


Change for the Better….